Publishing House Koivuniemi - IT-Services - Productivity Tools, productivity solutions, Material Bank, Service Desk, online shopping, healthcare service solutions, open source solutions, SaaS - EN

Productive Tools

Productivity Tools

Small everyday matters can have a big impact. If every member of an organization of 40 people wastes 6 minutes per day, it accumulates into a loss of an incredible amount of money per year. Thus, productivity is a worthwhile investment – especially since the time saved can be turned into multiplied profits in the form of increased sales, more achieved results and better internal communication.

Count your savings!

Number of people in the organization
Minutes saved per day per person
Worth of each saved working hour in money

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The following service products are readily available for you:

  • Koivuniemi Material Bank - Versatile system for managing images, graphics and other such materials
  • Koivuniemi Service Desk Ticketing - Online customer service process or service desk, ready for use (ITIL® compatible).

Other solutions available from us just as easily and affordably:

  • Online shopping – Get an online store with your own customized look for doing business with both consumers and businesses; no need for coding projects.
  • Solutions for healthcare services – Efficient eye care appointments. Smart and reliable electronic processes for hospitals. Ask us for more information!
  • Open source solutions implemented easily. Also as SaaS (software as a service) hosting solutions.

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