Publishing House Koivuniemi - Communication Services - Media house of integrated knowledge - EN

Publishing House Koivuniemi - Communication Services

Communication Services

Koivuniemi is a media house of integrated knowledge, welcome!

Company communications face tough challenges in today's world. The flood of mass media and the surge of electronic communication methods and networks affect companies in many ways, e.g.:

1. Effective corporate and marketing communications require more skills and expertise than before the Internet era.
2. It is increasingly difficult to get your voice heard and message across.
3. The number of relevant target groups is increasing. Both the media and large numbers of the general public pay ever the more attention to financial and environmental questions and social responsibility.

Our goal-driven, multichannel solutions provide an answer to these challenges. We base our methods on extensive experience in a variety of business lines and can offer solutions that lead to smooth, cost-effective results.

Welcome to Publishing House Koivuniemi a media house of integrated knowledge!

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