Publishing House Koivuniemi - Business Consulting and Training - Leadership and management development - EN

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Leadership and management development

Lead for results

Leadership success criteria is in change. Young generation can't be led by old school methods. Multiculturalism, privatisation, decreasing organisational loyalty, better communication skills and internationalisation set new demands for leadership and managerial work. Management must change. New practices have to be developed and new methods tested. Leadership is the key to productivity, customer service and results. Is has also major impact in change capacity, speed and flexibility of any company.

We deliver with high quality:

  • Leadership model development
  • Leadership talent management and training
  • Management team development
  • Simulation training for managers
  • Leadership surveys
  • Company culture change management
  • Coaching in leadership and managerial skills
  • Management training, all aspects
  • eLearning for managers

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Case: Top results with simulation coaching

A global hi-tech company trained the managers and specialists, who would be facing mergers and acquisitions, to become better leaders of change. The simulation coaching method developed by Koivuniemi was used to train the managers who work with various cultures in the international organization. One efficient training program helped them reach a new level with great results.

Case: Change for better leadership

MCG business of a major Finnish forest industry corporation was looking for a supplier and partner to an international leadership development program. The objective of the program was to implement a new leadership model, unify the leadership practices across the units and develop leadership skills in multiple ways. Koivuniemi created and delivered a top quality leadership development program Koivuniemi rakensi huippuluokan kehitysohjelman, enabling the compnay to reach the objectives. Success led to several years of collaboration in leadership development and change management.

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