KJV (1789)
Ilm. 19:2 For true and righteous are his judgments: for he hath judged the great whore, which did corrupt the earth with her fornication, and hath avenged the blood of his servants at her hand. > Siirry

Rinnakkaisviitteet (KJV (1789))

5Moos. 32:43 Rejoice, O ye nations, with his people: for he will avenge the blood of his servants, and will render vengeance to his adversaries, and will be merciful unto his land, and to his people. > Siirry
Ps. 119:137 TZADDI. Righteous art thou, O LORD, and upright are thy judgments. > Siirry
Room. 12:19 Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord. > Siirry
1Kor. 6:9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, > Siirry
1Kor. 6:10 Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God. > Siirry
Ilm. 6:10 And they cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth? > Siirry
Ilm. 16:7 And I heard another out of the altar say, Even so, Lord God Almighty, true and righteous are thy judgments. > Siirry
Ilm. 17:18 And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth. > Siirry
Ilm. 18:20 Rejoice over her, thou heaven, and ye holy apostles and prophets; for God hath avenged you on her. > Siirry

KR 1933/-38

Ilm. 19:2 Sillä totiset ja vanhurskaat ovat hänen tuomionsa; sillä hän on tuominnut sen suuren porton, joka turmeli maan haureudellaan, ja on kostanut ja on vaatinut hänen kädestänsä palvelijainsa veren."

Biblia (1776)

Ilm. 19:2 Sillä hänen tuomionsa ovat totiset ja vanhurskaat: että hän on suuren porton tuominnut, joka huoruudellansa maan turmeli, ja on palveliainsa veren sen kädestä kostanut.

Ruotsi (1917)

Ilm. 19:2 Ty rätta och rättfärdiga äro hans domar; han har dömt den stora skökan, som fördärvade jorden genom sin otukt, och han har utkrävt sina tjänares blod av hennes hand."